Old habits can be hard to break, but they may be breaking your weight-loss efforts. Nobody's perfect. We've all plowed through endless chips at the taqueria or eaten Sara Lee straight from the freezer. What's your secret meltdown?
When we recognize our
bad eating habits, we are empowered, says Weight Loss Clinic Dietitian Kathleen Zelman, MPH,
RD, LD. Then it's easier to break them. "Do something new for 21 days, and
you can break the habit."
Her motto: "Slow,
steady changes in your lifestyle can free you of diets forever."
Bad habits to watch for:
1. Eating amnesia - Very often, this condition is TV-induced. "Your hand is stuck in the bag, and you don't realize what or how much you're eating," Zelman says. "That big ol' bag of chips can disappear pretty fast."
2. Too few zzzz's - Sleep loss makes you feel hungry even if you are full, becausesleep loss affects the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite, studies show. Also, sleep loss increases fat storage in your body.
3. After-dinner treats - "It tends to be mindless eating and usually involves something sweet," says Zelman. "Start a new habit -- have a warm cup of tea, sparkling water, something non-caloric. Most importantly, quit eating anything after dinner."
4. Starvation-mode shopping - Face it, grocery stores and extreme hunger just don't mix. You end up buying the first quick-fix item you see. Slow down. Eat a little something -- something healthy -- before grocery shopping. Suggestion: Get a sandwich on your way to the grocery store -- grilled chicken breast, that is. "Then you won't be so hungry, so tempted," says Zelman. Also, shop with a grocery list and stick to it.
5. Getting grabby - You're at work, in the airport, anywhere, and hunger sets in. Easiest thing is to grab what's convenient -- and too often, junk food wins. Better bets: a homemade sandwich, a few carrots, fresh fruit, a smoothie, or trail mix. Plan ahead. Have healthy snacks at your fingertips.
6. Drinking without thinking - Beer, alcohol, wine, soft drinks -- they all go down easy. But the calories can really add up. "Save your liquid calories for when you really want them," says Zelman.
7. Skipping breakfast - "That's a big mistake, because you've fasted overnight. Your body needs fuel, and your metabolism needs to be jump-started with food." Best breakfast choices: whole-grain cereal with fresh fruit.
8. Portion distortion - We tend to eat everything served to us -- whether at home or on the go. "Portions are huge these days," says Zelman. "Learn what normal portions are, and stick to them."
9. Confusing "fat-free" with "calorie-free" - Those "healthy" cookies and other snacks aren't really pure. "Calories are calories," says Zelman. Read the label. Polishing off 10 fat-free cookies won't help your waistline.
10. Slathering sandwiches with mayo - Try using mustard or low-fat or fat-free mayonnaise for easy calorie savings. Layer lots of crunchy veggies into the sandwich for added flavor and extra nutrition.
11. Eating too quickly - If your body has one major flaw, this is it: It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s had enough. A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that slow eaters took in 66 fewer calories per meal, but compared to their fast-eating peers, they felt like they had eaten more.
12. Let off the steam in you - You manage to avoid the office candy bowl, which is pretty impressive—especially on super stressful days—but you’ve got to let off some steam somehow. If you don’t, it could lead to chronically elevated cortisol levels, causing sleep and immunity problems, blood-sugar abnormalities and weight gain. Practicing yoga, meeting up with friends and unplugging from technology for an evening are all things which are worth a shot.
13. You avoid all fats - at eating trans fats can increase your risk of heart disease, weight gain and stroke, so you’re smart to stay away. But not all fats need to make your “do not eat” list. Consuming healthy fats like flax seeds and nuts can actually help you slim down and stay healthy. “Fats not only help us absorb many of the vitamins from our diets, but they also help keep us fuller longer, which can aid weight loss efforts”. This could be 1/4 cup of almonds or walnuts, some sautéed veggies cooked with a tablespoon of olive oil or a few slices of avocado.
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