• 7:45 PM

Marriage is one in a lifetime moment for most of us. 
“The kind of marriage you make depends upon the kind of person you are. If you are a happy, well-adjusted person, the chances are your marriage will be a happy one. If you have made adjustments so far with more satisfaction than distress, you are likely to make your marriage and family adjustments satisfactorily. If you are discontented and bitter about your lot in life, you will have to change before you can expect to live happily ever after.”.... Evelyn Duvall and Reuben Hill

Many couples expect marriage to last for years and years. During the long years, anything can happen. It is no longer unusual to hear married couples who go on separate ways after long years of living together as one. Many couples wonder if there is a recipe for a happy marriage, and in fact there is. It is important that couples must understand what makes and keeps married life healthy and happy so they can stay committed to their wedding vows.

So what makes a marriage healthy and happy? Couples must stay connected with each other. Couples may be doing different things during the day and they might even be far apart due to the nature of their jobs but what they really need to remember is that no matter what keeps them from being together, they must stay connected with each other. May it be a short phone call, a short email, a short note left on the table or may it be a goodbye kiss – couples must not hesitate to do little things that actually mean a lot. This is one part of the recipe for a happy marriage that couples often overlook. Couples also often fail to surprise their partners with little things – they often forget that variety is a spice of life. Much as variety keeps the relationship from becoming dull, surprises also form part of the recipe for a happy marriage. Surprises need not to be expensive – they can just be little everyday things that you do not do regularly.

Keep the sparkle in your marriage by remaining passionate about your partner. Sometimes the spark can disappear out of a marriage…  With a little passion you CAN bring it back, or if not you can create another different spark…  Passion works wonders. Passion can die down a few months after getting married so it is important that married couples should try to keep the mood alive. However, you should not force yourself to be intimate with your partner or the whole concept of keeping the passion alive would be defeated. Intimacy must come naturally.

Try to be positive and keep yourself from complaining about little things to your husband. See things in a more positive life and instead of just bringing up what is a miss, bring it up in such a manner that suggests rationality, analysis, and most importantly, calmness. There is no sense in bringing up bad things, bad purchases, and bad decisions over and over.

To top off our recipe for a happy marriage, do not forget to laugh together. Share an activity that you can enjoy together and when situations call for laughter, do it as a couple.

There is no single recipe for a successful marriage. However, there is a lot that we can do to make our marriage last. One of the best successful marriage tips you might probably come across with is not allowing little and trivial things get in your way. Small arguments like forgetting to turn off the lights or leaving the toothpaste cap open should not be reasons for dissolving your marriage. You can easily work these trivial arguments out. All it takes is acceptance and tolerance, as well as good communication plus personal effort.


Making major decisions as a couple lessens the strains in your marriage. These major decisions include schooling for your children, career or job changes and purchasing a new car. When only one of the couples makes the decision, the couple might end up arguing why a decision was made without input from the other partner. Married couples are made to face life together, and they should also make major decisions as couples.

Perhaps one of the most common successful marriage tips that you will hear from experts is getting on top of your marriage and dating each other all over again. Taking some time out every now and then and spending quality time together helps keep the passion alive. These also help in brushing off everyday distraction and in rekindling love in seemingly shaky relationships. A little bit of quality time spent together each day can be highly useful, time for each other when you talk and play together. Also going out on dates can maintain excitement in your relationship. Your dates need not be lavish – even a simple walk in the park while holding each other’s hand can help a lot in keeping the love alive.

A marriage that lacks physical intimacy often becomes a source of frustration, hurt, and shame. It is more than just your self-esteem that is affected - a marriage that is short of physical intimacy often brings depression and it can negatively affect your partner and your children.

Married couples often find it hard to discover effective ways on how to fix a sexless marriage. Many of them fail to realize that it is not just about communication problems, fear, resentment or self-blame. There are several other factors that lead to a sexless marriage and to fix this kind of problem means having to address the different factors that contribute to the lack of physical intimacy. 

Surprise your partner – even with just little things. Surprises do not need to be expensive and extravagant – surprises can come in the form of a short peck on the cheek, a tender hug, and a warm grasp. You also need to start enjoying activities together. During the day, work can keep you apart but when the working day is done, it is time that you go back to being couples again. You can have dinner together or watch television shows or movies together. When you are about to go to bed, take some extra effort to make yourself look more attractive.

Regardless of how devoted you and your partner might be in your marriage, communication problems will still arise as time passes by. It helps to always keep an open mind so as to save you from a variety of relationship problems that might come up in the years to come. One common factor that contributes to having this problem is gender indifferences. Not understanding each other’s opinions can lead to heated discussions and might even be the cause of losing what once had been a healthy and vibrant relationship.

Both of you should be responsible for whatever problems you might encounter in your relationship. Communication problems in marriage often develop the moment one of you starts throwing blame on each other. Blaming someone especially if it is not their fault might trigger them to be all defensive and a fight might surely come into place. This also applies to married couples, so it is best to look for ways to solve the problems instead. Not only will you avoid hurting each other by throwing harsh words and casting curses on one another but you will also find the ideal means on how to solve your problems – together.

Try not to overlook minor details such as; giving your partner a complement each time they achieve something, preparing breakfast in bed, a goodnight kiss, etc. These are only petty things but might come in handy when you seek to rid yourselves from facing communication problems in marriage in the future.

Try to practice these on a regular basis and surely you and your partner will not only start talking to each other but might even start to do things far beyond what you would have expected for your marriage. Remember, great things do start from small beginnings.

Any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to Comment or send an email to dhnair@gmail.com.

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